Part 1 is the facility director interviews and covered topics such as facility staff and organization, revenue and charges, staff hours and compensation, costs, and program characteristics.
Part 2 is the client records abstractions data, which examined the client records of 2,222 individuals discharged during 1989–1990. Information was abstracted on demographic characteristics of clients, criminal justice involvement, medical conditions, drug history including intravenous drug use, urine test results, drug treatment history, treatment services, and discharge and billing information.
Part 3 consists of the client follow-up interviews and was conducted during 1995 and 1996. This part covered the clients' entire lifespan, with special attention to their behavior and circumstances during the five years before entry to the index (SROS) treatment in 1989–1990 and after leaving that treatment until the time of the interview. Additional questions were asked on patterns of alcohol and drug consumption, criminal activity, employment, health, social support, and other behavior relevant to treatment goals. Drugs included cocaine, crack, heroin, nontreatment methadone, other opiates/synthetics, barbiturates, benzodiazepine, other sedatives/hypnotics, methamphetamines, other amphetamines, marijuana/hash/THC, PCP/LSD, other hallucinogens, inhalants, over-the-counter medications, and alcohol.
This study was produced by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) in Chicago, IL.